20 de June de 2018

About us

Welcome to our website, “The Cabraldinos”. Allow us to introduce ourselves.

  Tânia C B Cabral (D. Ed.). I have been working as a researcher, supervisor of dissertations and Professor in the Graduate Program of Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS) and also as Adjunct Professor in the undergraduate Calculus disciplines for the Computer Engineering course.

Roberto R Baldino (D. Sc.). I am a Doctor Professor at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul and I have been teaching Calculus and other mathematics to undergraduate students in the Computer Engineering course. I am also a Researcher and Professor in the Graduate Program of Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics  (STEM) at the same University, UERGS.

Under the alias The Cabraldinos, we have been working together for more than thirty years on alternative methodologies to current traditional teaching. We anchor our theoretical framework on the psychology of mathematics education slant Hegel-Marx-Lacan. We act as teacher-researchers, we endeavor to produce and analyze changes within our own classrooms. In recent years, we have considered the effects of the momento of summative assessment split moment on teachers and researchers in the capitalist system. We consider school as a place of production of a commodity, the qualified labor power (QLP) that is to be sold in the market for higher salaries, under the warranty of state certificates of standardized quality.

You can access our CVs in the site of CNPq website:

Tânia’s CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4533258109766315

Roberto’s CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9629714113820449

We are also members of the Remote Action-Research Group (GPA-R). We invite you to visit the group’s website at https://gpa-remoto.com/