RESUMO: Este artigo visa a mostrar a importância da disciplina de Álgebra Linear para um curso de Informática. Aborda-se o processamento de imagens sob o aspecto de economizar armazenamento de dados. Trata-se em detalhe um exemplo didático constituído por três imagens com dezesseis pixels cada uma, usando a planilha Excel e uma HP48. A matemática Read more about INTRODUÇÃO AO PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS OU APLICAÇÃO DA ÁLGEBRA LINEAR?[…]

The problematic: Power (watt) and energy (joule), what is this?

FT01 Introduction – “In the place where we live, somebody pays the account of electrical energy consumption every month. It is about R$25 for one hundred kilowatts-hour. What is this? It is something with which you will have to live for the rest of your lives once you follow he profession that you are choosing.”

Project 2022 – Epistemology of Mathematical Education in Engineering: Building bridges between Calculus and Engineering

Summary: This is a qualitative study on differential intervention applied as a research methodology that puts the teacher in the role of teacher-researcher. The project inserts itself in the international scope of present-day higher-education didactics research, which reports on the difficulties engineering students face due to the triple discontinuity problem. This problem will be addressed Read more about Project 2022 – Epistemology of Mathematical Education in Engineering: Building bridges between Calculus and Engineering[…]